Review of Patrick Rothfuss’ NAME OF THE WIND

This book is exceedingly well done, to a degree that it scares me. This was a debut novel, and it has set an intimidatingly high bar for those of us wishing to break into modern fantasy.

But it’s so good. It has all the emotions. It has all the action. And, most importantly, it passes the goosebump test (which is a real thing, dammit).

The Name of the Wind is a frame story, and is the first in the Kingkiller Chronicle trilogy. It’s great as a bildungsroman, but also deals with the afterward of that oft-told tale: of a man who has become a legend in his own time. It’s a self-acknowledged story about stories, and I love it dearly.

So thank you, Mr. Rothfuss, for telling Kvothe’s story so well. By holding yourself to such a high standard, you inspire others to do the same, and, let me tell you, we’re better for it.

9/10 stars

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2 Thoughts to “Review of Patrick Rothfuss’ NAME OF THE WIND”

  1. OMG this book is fantastic! It’s hard to believe that this is a first novel.

    1. To be fair, I think Mr. Rothfus spent 7 or 8 years editing NotW. But it’s still incredible

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